Notothenia microlepidota (Small-Scaled Notothenid) { 13 images } Created 17 May 2014
Notothenia microlepidota (Small-Scaled Notothenid)
Underwater Photography of Notothenia microlepidota (Small-Scaled Notothenid)
Underwater Photos by New Zealand Photojournalist and Underwater Photographer Richard Robinson.
Family: Nototheniidae (Antarctic Cod)
Distribution: Southwest Pacific: New Zealand and Macquarie Island.
Occurrence: Most common at the Subantarctic Islands.
Underwater Photography of Notothenia microlepidota (Small-Scaled Notothenid)
Underwater Photos by New Zealand Photojournalist and Underwater Photographer Richard Robinson.
Family: Nototheniidae (Antarctic Cod)
Distribution: Southwest Pacific: New Zealand and Macquarie Island.
Occurrence: Most common at the Subantarctic Islands.