Diomedea epomophora (Southern royal albatross) { 130 images } Created 7 Apr 2012
Diomedea epomophora (Southern royal albatross).
Photography of the Southern royal albatross(Diomedea epomophora) by New Zealand Photojournalist and Underwater Photographer Richard Robinson.
Māori Name: Toroa.
Phylum: Chordata.
Class: Aves.
Order: Procellariiformes.
Family: Diomedeidae.
Distribution: Endemic; Vulnerable Endangered.
Photography of the Southern royal albatross(Diomedea epomophora) by New Zealand Photojournalist and Underwater Photographer Richard Robinson.
Māori Name: Toroa.
Phylum: Chordata.
Class: Aves.
Order: Procellariiformes.
Family: Diomedeidae.
Distribution: Endemic; Vulnerable Endangered.